Kilimanjaro marangu route 7 days


Also known as the “Coca Cola route” – the Marangu route is one of the most popular routes leading to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. Many hikers believe that the Marangu route is the easiest route to Uhuru peak since it is the only route that can be hiked in 5 days (making it the cheapest option). However, we strongly recommend hiking the route over 6 days to increase your chances of reaching the summit successfully. Note that this is the only route that provides communal sleeping huts, equipped with beds and mattresses at every overnight site. Some basic goods such as mineral water, beer, and chocolates are also sold at most sites. The Marangu route takes the same route for both ascend and descend.


Day 1: Airport pick-up- Drop off at Hotel

You will be picked up by the staff of Northland Tanzania Safaris from Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO) and driven to your accommodation in Arusha. Participants will be given a short briefing for the climb the next day. Kits and the necessary equipment will be checked as well.

Day 2: Marangu Gate (1860m) – Mandara hut (2715m)

Day 2 – Kili trekking The National Park Gate lies at the edge of Marangu, a lovely village with many small coffee and banana plantations. After completing the entrance formalities, we climb up through virgin forest to reach the clearing containing Mandara Huts (2,700m.) The volcanic remains of Maundi Crater are nearby and make a good afternoon excursion. An alternative is to rest and enjoy the beautiful forest. There is a rich birdlife at the huts, and monkeys are often seen as well (3-5 hours walking). Dinner and overnight at Mandara Hut.

Day 3: Mandara hut (2715m) – Horombo hut (3705m)

Hiking time: 6hours •Distance: Approximately 11.6 km •Habitat: Moorland From Mandara hut, the trail passes through a short stretch of forest, skirts the base of the Maundi Crater and then emerges into a transition from rain forest to moorland. It is well worth a short detour to scramble up the rim of the Maundi Crater for your first impressive view of the Kibo Crater. On a clear day, Kibo will glimmer in the distance, with sightings of majestic glaciers in the morning sun.

Day 4: Horombo hut (3705m) – Acclimatization Day

Horombo hut is a village of huts perched on a small plateau, with buildings similar to Mandara with a capacity of 120 climbers! Horombo is normally bustling with hikers, guides and porters, with an atmosphere of adventure and excitement. You will meet both ascending and descending hikers here. This extra day and night at Horombo is for additional acclimatization. A hike towards the Mawenzi hut, passing the Zebra Rocks on the way (about 3 hours up and 1,5 hours down) is strongly recommended.

Day 5: Horombo hut (3705m) – Kibo hut (4730m)

Hiking time: 6hours •Distance: Approximately 9.6 km •Habitat: Alpine desert After breakfast, we continue our ascent into the Alpine desert habitat. From Horombo, there are two trails to the “Saddle” (which refers to the area located between the peaks of Mawenzi and Kibo). There is an upper route (right hand fork) and lower route (left hand fork) to choose from. The upper route should be very familiar, as you will have climbed most of it the previous day towards Mawenzi hut. This section is very stony and eroded.

Day 6: Kibo hut (4730m) – Uhuru Peak (5895m) – Horombo hut (3705m)

Hiking time: 7 to 8 hours to reach Uhuru Peak | 6 to 8 hours to descend to Horombo Distance: Approximately 5.4km ascent and 15 km descent •Habitat: Stone scree and ice-capped summit You will rise around 23h20, and after some tea and biscuits you shuffle off into the night, and this is where the going really gets tough. The first section of the trail consists of a rocky path to the Hans Meyer Cave (5150m) and also offers a good resting spot. The path then zigzags up to Gillman’s point (5 681m), which is located on the crater rim. This section is very steep with a lot of stone scree, requiring great physical and mental effort. This is probably the most demanding section of the entire route. Do the Kili shuffle and move slowly.

Day 7: Horombo hut (3705m) – Marangu Gate (1860m)

Hiking time: 6 hours •Distance: Approximately 19.7 km After breakfast, you continue your descent (6 hours), passing the Mandara hut, down to the Marangu gate. At Marangu gate, you will receive your summit certificates. Those climbers who reached Gillman’s Point (5685m) are issued with green certificates and those who reached Uhuru Peak (5895m), receive gold certificates. You now drive back to Moshi/ Arusha for a long overdue hot shower, dinner and celebration.

What's Included

Kilimanjaro marangu route 7 days



Many hikers believe that the Marangu route is the easiest route to Uhuru peak since it is the only route that can be hiked in 5 days (making it the cheapest option)

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